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The Small Community Forums provide resources and a venue for everyone who cares about the future of Wisconsin’s small (and mighty) communities. The forums bring together residents, community leaders, elected officials, business leaders and civic-minded individuals to share best practices and discuss strategies to address the unique opportunities and challenges facing our communities. Hosted by local organizations and agencies and these statewide organizations:

  • Create Wisconsin
  • League of Wisconsin Municipalities
  • UW-Madison, Division of Extension
  • USDA Rural Development Wisconsin
  • Wisconsin Counties Association
  • Wisconsin Downtown Action Council
  •  Wisconsin Main Street Program, WEDC
  • Wisconsin Rural Partners
  • Office of Rural Prosperity, WEDC 

2024 Counties

  • Adams County
  • Iowa County
  • Ozaukee County

All Forums start at 8 am (registration and breakfast open at 7:30 am) and end with lunch at 12 noon.

Registration and Agendas will be posted
by the end of July 2024.

2024 Planning Committee:

  • Todd Barman, UW - Madison, Division of Extension
  • Marie Barry, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
  • Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf, Wisconsin Counties Association
  • Brandon Hofstedt, UW-Madison, Division of Extension
  • Anne Katz, Create Wisconsin/Wisconsin Downtown Action Council
  • Jillian Lindstrom, USDA Rural Development
  • Kristin Mickelson, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
  • Kietra Olson, Office of Rural Prosperity, WEDC
  • Errin Welty, Wisconsin Main Street
  • Zach Vruwink, League of Wisconsin Municipalities

Iowa County | September 24, 2024
 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts' Lind Pavilion
18 Shakerag St, Mineral Point

Ozaukee County | October 1, 2024
7:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: Buechler Farms,
587 S Royal Ave, Belgium

Adams County | October 10, 2024
7:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: Adams Community Center
569 N Cedar St, Adams

4th Forum TBD

About us

​Wisconsin Rural Partners, Inc. (WRP) serves as a network hub for organizations, government agencies and people working to make rural Wisconsin a better place. ​​We strive through our work to build leadership for the communities of rural Wisconsin.  ​​

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